Get started with the ISO 27001 27k1 ISMS
The getting started module is where the ISMS framework is configured, each section is preconfigured with default values to assist in entering your company specific information.

Company details
Details about your company including the scope and context of the ISMS, your company logo is also uploaded in the section.

The organizations in your company responsible for conducting and running the business.
Ref: ISO 27005 B.1

Locations & security zones
The locations and zones within locations pertinent to the scope of your ISMS
Ref: ISO 27005 B.1 (Site)

Departments /Job titles
The departments and job titles to which key personnel will be assigned.

Key personnel
Key personnel are those who are risk owners, asset owners or project resources within the 27k1 ISMS.

Policy settings
Where asset valuations, likelihoods, impacts, risk scores and information classifications are assigned.

Business objectives
Allocate your business objectives to which security objectives are assigned.

Security objectives
Determine the security objectives in preparation for the risk treatment process.