MIS Marine – 27k1 ISMS Customer Reference – August 2022

MIS Marine – 27k1 ISMS Customer Reference - August 2022 1

“When MIS Marine decided to gain accreditation for ISO27001 we knew it can be a complex process in terms of understanding all the required controls and how they relate to our existing processes and documentation. The 27k1 application has been invaluable in helping us through this process and ultimately in both gaining the accreditation and managing it since. We store all our asset details within the 27k1 ISMS, risk management and company/organisational information, but most importantly it has a document manager which assigns all related company documents to each of the controls, helping us to demonstrate adherence to each policy requirement.

Without 27k1 our journey to ISO27001 accreditation would have been a much more painful experience!”

Steve Campbell, DevOps Manager.

MIS Marine

The Innovation Centre
1 Devon Way
B31 2TS
United Kingdom


MIS ( Marine Information Solutions Limited ) is a limited company registered in England & Wales under Company Number: 08082437